Summer 91
“The Last Taboo”
Gay Search
p. 31

Childhood incest and rape.
75-80% of prostitutes have experienced it.
60-80% of suicide attempts
75% of chronic run-away
44% of drug addicts
70% of prison inmates
75% of anorexics
large % of schizophrenics

“Behind those statistics lies a pool of human misery, of poten­
tial blighted, of opportunities lost, of lives destroyed, of
failed relationships and fraught, unhappy parenthood.”

“Many victims of sexual abuse in childhood…see any physical
contact as sexual.”

“80% of survivors couldn’t enjoy sex. They couldn’t relax.”

Sociopath-antisocial behavior. Disregard for the truth, impul­
siveness, unreliability, poor work record, poor judgment, failure
to profit from experience or punishment. Apparent absence of
remorse or guilt. Superficial charm

Characteristics present in survivors
-lack basic trust
-tend. for social isolation
-difficulty in establishing close human relations
-low,self esteem
-poor sense of identity
-feeling of being exploited, abandoned or never listened to
-they seem aware that they were used to solve parental difficul­
ties rather than cared for in an age appropriate fashion
-anger or abuser and also toward caretaker who failed to protect
-feel trapped
-don’t feel believed-self doubt
-long lasting feeling of helplessness or lack of control of