Trial Test

March 23, 2007



Just checking in to see if some third-party software works well or not. How is everyone doing out there?

Google’s Next-Gen Of Sneakernet
posted by alex

on Mar 21, 2007 – 11:21 AM

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‘How do you get 120 terabytes of data — the equivalent of 123,000 iPod shuffles (roughly 30 million songs) — from A to B? For the most part, the old-fashioned way: via a sneakernet. It’s not glamorous, but Google engineers hope to at least end the arduous process of transferring massive quantities of data — which can literally take weeks to upload onto the internet — with something affectionately called “FedExNet” by the scientists who use it.’Chris DiBona, the open-source program manager at Google, just returned late last week from Washington, D.C., where he met with Hubble researchers at the Space Telescope Science Institute to set the stage for what will be the largest data transfer for the project ever: The near totality of all the astronomical data and images that Hubble has ever collected — about 120 terabytes.’ (Wired News article).

Creepy: Spiders Love to Snuggle – Yahoo! News

Jeanna Bryner
LiveScience Staff Writer
Tue Mar 20, 4:40 PM ET

While not usually considered paragons of tender, familial love, some spiders do have a touchy-feely side. Scientists have discovered two arachnids that caress their young and snuggle together.

Social behavior is extremely rare in arachnids, a group of critters typically defined by their aggression, clever hunting methods and even predatory cannibalism.

“This was the best example I had ever seen of friendly behavior in an arachnid,” said lead study author Linda Rayor, a Cornell University entomologist.

“I was amazed at how incredibly interactive the groups are,” Rayor said. “They are in constant tactile contact with one another. They are constantly exploring one another and interacting with their siblings.”

Spider whips

Rayor and her colleagues studied two whip-spider species, dime-sized spiders common in Florida, called Phrynus marginemaculatus, and a much larger species found in forests and caves in Tanzania and Kenya, Damon diadema.

The species are members of an arachnid group called amblypygids. Unlike their eight-legged relatives, the amblypygids have just six walking legs because the first pair of “ancestral” legs evolved into whips for sensing their environments.

The whip-like feelers, which can extend three to six times the length of the arachnids, can rotate 360 degrees around their bodies and are covered with fine hairs capable of delicate tickle movements.

The right touch

Observed in glass houses, the two arachnid families were often seen engaging in sibling-sibling and mother-baby interactions. In one experiment, the siblings were removed from a familiar cage and placed randomly into a large unfamiliar cage. Within minutes, they gathered back together.

Mothers of both species nurtured their young. Often, the mama whip spider would sit in the middle of her offspring and slowly stroke their bodies and whips with her own feelers.

For P. marginemaculatus, the stroking was mutual, with the three-week-olds also whip-caressing their moms and one another.

Whereas amicable behavior continued into adulthood for P. marginemaculatus, teen life was rougher for D. diadema. After these arachnids reached sexual maturity, the scientists found evidence they had outgrown their cuddly behavior: adolescent spiders had missing or injured legs attributable to fighting.

Family dynamics

Rayor suggests the social behavior of these spiders has remained hidden due to their reclusive behaviors. The creatures often shimmy their flat bodies into narrow crevices in caves and other hideouts. Plus their coloring blends them in with their environment.

Past studies have focused on the more visible features, such as the adult’s courtship displays and fighting behaviors, so scientists had assumed the creatures were solitary and cannibalistic predators.

By living in such tight families, the spiders could boost safety from predators, particularly in the case of a mom protecting her young from hungry passersby. Groups might also benefit by sharing prey for meals, though Rayor has yet to observe such a family feast.

The study is detailed in the August issue of the Journal of Arachnology.

Visit for more daily news, views and scientific inquiry with an original, provocative point of view. LiveScience reports amazing, real world breakthroughs, made simple and stimulating for people on the go.

[Ed. Note: Quick snip of some entries for a basic class on the use of Magickal Languages WITHOUT delving into V-Prime which will be discussed later.]


Theban script was created by Honorius in the 12th century as a way to encode other writing (likely Latin at the time). This alphabet is also sometimes called the Runes of Honorius, or the Witch’s Alphabet because it’s been adopted by many modern-day witches.

Known as “the Witches’ Alphabet”, or sometimes “Runes of Honorius”, the origins of Theban are lost. Theban script was created by Honorius in the 12th century as a way to encode other writing (likely Latin at the time). Our opinion of Theban is that it is the easiest language we are going to mention here. This is because there is a one-to-one relationship between Theban letters and letters of the alpha-numeric code, except for j and u. Beside Runes, Theban is often used by Witches because of its mysterious quality, and that it is easy for someone who knows it to read it. The Witch’s Alphabet because it’s been adopted by many modern-day witches.  


Known to be great traders, the Phoenicians travelled around the Mediterranean and perhaps as far as Africa. The Greek and Hebrew alphabets are thought by some to have been developed from Phoenician. With many variations on letters, and some letters having more than one meaning, it can be hard to understand Phoenician. It is also made difficult to write by the traditional preference towards writing Phoenician from right-to-left. (This could prove easy for left-handed people, but it takes some time to get the hang of it!)


Although we have been aware of the Malachim alphabet for some time, we have been unable to find out about its origins. Thoroughly mysterious as it is, we can only supply to you the alphabet itself.


Enochian is also refered to as Angelic Script and is used in ceremonial magick when workiing with Angelic beings, particularly in the calls used to summon them. Legend has it that the magicians Edward Kelly and Dr. John Dee were given this language by an angel. Enochian script is properly written from right to left.


The Ogham is an alphabet used by the Druids, and each letter corresponds to a sacred tree. This script was most often used when marking an inscription into a branch or on a stone. It is written either vertically or horizontally.


Probably the best known of all ancient alphabets, runes are usually associated with divination, much like the Tarot. The alphabet is called the Futhark, which is what is spelled with the first 6 letters. Runic writings have been found throughout northern Europe and date mostly around the 11th century AD.

Why bother learning old scripts if you don’t know the language behind them? Well, these days, many Pagans use these letters when writing and it can come in handy that you are able to read them. If nothing else, you can jazz up your Book of Shadows and keep your writings secret (unless you live with other people who can read this stuff).

Oh, and if you follow these links through, there are more pages where you can download these alphabets as computer fonts.

~ magical languages ~

Many Witches choose to write in a magickal language. That is to say, an old language of history and mystique, which is not in common usage now. Many of these languages are shrouded in legends, stories and incomplete history, making them very interesting. It is also interesting to draw from a time when magick was raw and in common use. These languages can be used to write a Book Of Shadows and keep its secrets concealed, to write spells, and to bring a greater air of ambiguity about yourself and your workings. Here we will explain some common Witchey Languages.


One of the most common types of Witchy writing is that of Runes. Although still popular in mythology and often used in jewellery design, Runes have always held in them a story of magick. Most people know the Runes best for their use in divination and answer seeking, but we will not dwell too greatly on their divinatory uses here, but on their lingual meanings.It is said that the Norse God of Gods, Odin, hung from the Tree Of Life for nine days and nine nights. He was wounded by His own blade, and suffered from hunger and thirst. And just before he fell from the Tree, He spied the Runes and snatched them so He could give them to His people.

The runic alphabet is called the Futhark. Similarly to the word “alphabet” being derived from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, alpha and beta, Futhark gets this name from the first six Runes and the sounds that they make (f-u-th-a-r-k). Each Rune represents a sound and has a distinct meaning; the meanings of the glyphs (or runic symbols/letters) are used in divination.

The Runes were spread across Europe, so there are now many different versions of Runes and their meanings. We have chosen to draw only from the Elder Futhark and Anglo-Saxon Futhark. The Elder Futhark , used for divination, are thought to be the oldest type of Runes, hence the name, and the latter is the Anglo-Saxon adaptation on the original alphabet.

Ouranian Barbaric FAQ

Version 3.00
01 February 2000

Written and maintained by Fenwick Rysen.  If you have any questions not
answered in the FAQ, ideas for expansion, or corrections to be made, please
conact him at fenwick @ This FAQ or its latest release is available on the web at:

Special Thanks are due to those who have helped me learn Ouranian Barbaric
and answer my multitude of questions, and to those who helped contribute to
the FAQ.  They are, in no particular order, Fireclown, Joseph Maxx.555,
Hine Nui Te Po, Tzimon Yliaster, Peter Carroll, and several others who
remain more anonymous. This wouldn’t have been possible without their help. 

             This document Copywronged (x) 1998-2000 by Fenwick
             Rysen.  Feel free to  copy, hack, splice,  mangle,
             mutilate, spindle, twist,  tear, or re-post, print
             up however  many damn copies of it that  you want,
             and give them to whoever  the hell you want to, as
             long as this copywrong notice remains intact.

The answers to the questions in this FAQ are non-authoritative, and
individuals are encouraged, as with everything, to take what they will and
discard the rest.

===   =======
1.1   What is Ouranian Barbaric?
1.2   What does the word “Ouranian” mean?
1.3   Why is it called Ouranian “Barbaric”?
1.4   Where did Ouranian Barbaric come from?
1.5   What is the source of the Ouranian Barbaric Dictionaries on the net?

===   ==================
2.1   Does Ouranian Barbaric have a standard syntax?
2.2   Why is the word for “I” and “We” the same?
2.3   Why are all verbs in the form “do (verb)”
2.4   How do I turn Ouranian nouns into verbs,
      adjectives, and adverbs, and vice versa?
2.5   What do the “T+” and “T-” with some of the words mean?
2.6   Why are Ouranian words always capitalized?
2.7   How do you pronounce some of these words?

===   ===========
3.1   How does one create more Ouranian words?
3.2   Where can I get a Ouranian Barbaric Dictionary?
3.3   What should I do with new Ouranian words that I create?
3.4   What does it mean to use Ouranian like “The Alphabet of Desire”?
3.5   Are the words in Peter Carroll’s “Masses of Chaos” Ouranian?
3.6   Are there other barbarous languages out there?
3.7   What Ouranian resources are there on the net?
3.8   Is there a gematria for Ouranian Barbaric?
3.9   What is the relationship between Ouranian Barbaric and Psychic Censor?
3.10  Is there a Ouranian Barbaric alphabet with its own letters?


1.1   What is Ouranian Barbaric?

Ouranian Barbaric is the proprietary language of chaos magick.  That is, it
is a language, more technically a jargon, that is used exclusively by the
chaos magickal community for use in their workings.  It is not spoken as a
real language, but instead is used in place of the magician’s natural
language in order to distract the conscious mind and bypass the psychic

It has been said that Ouranian Barbaric developed out of a need to express
more modern concepts that were absent in other magickal languages like
Enochian (from the sixteenth century) and relevant to Chaos Magick.  Things
like “Planck’s Constant” and “Heisenberg Uncertianty Principle” are
obviously absent from Enochian, which also ommitted some very useful
concepts such as the planets.  Peter Carroll says that he created it
because “I liked the sound of enochian, and I wanted to demon-strate that
an arbitary magical language works just as well as one with a supposedly
mysterious history.”
1.2   What does the word “Ouranian” mean?

The word “Ouranian” is the adjectivized form of “Ouranos”.  Ouranos is an
old form of the word Uranus, and was chosen to avoid the “Your Anus”
stigmatism associated with the modern spelling.

Symbolically, Ouranos is the same as Uranus.  It is harder to describe its
symbology better than in a planetary working called The Ouranos Rite, which
describes it thusly:

    “It is the eighth body, outside of the sphere of classical planets and
     the god forms or thought form attributed to them.  Thus it forms an
     ideal symbol for that which encompasses all the gods within its orbit:
     the magical personality.  It represents not the power of the magic
     itself, which is attributed to Pluto; but rather the desire to be a
     magician, and the personality required to live as one. Astronomically,
     this equates with the curious orbit of Ouranos which, with its polar
     axis tilted at an eccentric angle, almost on the plane of the
     ecliptic, symblolizes the antinomian character of the magician, ever
     delving into that which is weird, occult, and perverse, to unlock its
     secrets.  Ouranos can also be thought of as the dark side of the Sun. 
     Whereas the classical bodies orbit the sun, the bright center of human
     personality; Ouranos represents something dark, and perhaps devious,
     creeping round in the darkness outside of the normal.”

1.3   Why is it called Ouranian “Barbaric”?

As in barbarous words, a term used by Crowley and others.  It is one of the
fundamental concepts of evocatory magick and is an incredibly complicated
subject.  Any language that you don’t understand with full consciousness
and that can be chanted in a manner that distracts the conscious mind is
considered to be “barbarous”.  In the terms of Chaos Magick, chanting in a
language not understood by the conscious mind (such as Ouranian Barbaric)
lets the ideas (memes) represented by the words bypass the Psychic Censor
and penetrate the subconscious mind of the magician.  Barbarous words can
also serve as foci free of conscious meaning, exalting the mind during
ritual chant.  Crowley says in Chapter IX of “Magick in Theory and

    “It may be conceded in any case that the long strings of formidable
     words which roar and moan through so many conjurations have a real
     effect in exalting the consciousness of the magician to the proper
     pitch — that they should do so is no more extraordinary than
     music of any kind should do so.”

Anyone further interested in Barbaric Languages are here referred to
Chapter IX of Aleister Crowley’s “Magick in Theory and Practice”, and to
Kenneth Grant’s “The Magickal Revival.”
1.4   Where did Ouranian Barbaric come from?

It was created by Peter Carroll and possibly some others around 1989-90.
It was leaked out of the IOT Pact onto the World Wide Web by a disgruntled
former member of the UK Section.  It is not supposed to be in the public
domain, and the IOT has chosen to remain, for the most part, closed-mouthed
about it, even though other chaotes have made extensive use of it and
continue to add to it (see section 3.1)
1.5   What is the source of the Ouranian Barbaric Dictionaries on the net?

It was leaked onto the World Wide Web by a disgruntled member of the UK
Section of the Illuminates of Thanateros.  Its maintenance has fallen into
the hands of Fenwick Rysen, and the master copy with all updates is
maintained at

A mirror of this dictionary is maintained by Milos Babic at

The sources of the words in the updated dictionaries are the original words
created by Peter Carroll with others appended to the list throughout time
by other chaos magicians who created new words to fill any needs that were
not already filled by currently existing words.  Both dictionaries continue
to grow as that language evolves.

2.1   Does Ouranian Barbaric have a standard syntax?

Properly speaking, Ouranian Barbaric is not a language, but a jargon with
no rules of syntax, sentence structure, or tenses, plurals, or possessives.

It is often said that Ouranian should be written and spoken in V-Prime.  In
his book _Liber Kaos_ Peter Carroll says:

    “It is worth noting here that chaos-magical languages are usually now
     written in V-Prime before transliteration into magical barbaric form. 
     V-Prime or Vernacular Prime is one’s native tongue in which all use of
     all tenses of the verb “to be” is ommitted in accordance with quantum
     metaphysics.  All the nonsense of transcendentalism disappears quite
     naturally once this tactic is adopted.  There is no being, all is

What this means is that you have no forms of the verb “to be” anywhere in
your sentences in Ouranian Barbaric.  Instead, you “do” things.  It is not
“I will die” but instead “I do death”.  “There is no being, all is doing.”

Other simple rules are that definites articles (“the”, “a”, etc.) can be
implied such as in Latin, and that when possible things should be in the
present, active tenses.  Should any problems be encountered, one is
reminded that what few rules do exist are not hard and fast.  Feel free to
break them, make your own, or do as spontanaeity urges.  Make the language
your own.

2.2   Why is the word for “I” and “We” the same?

The reason that “I” and “we” are the same word is derived directly from the
idea of the “multiple nature of the self”.  In other words, every
individual is a collection of personas — a colonial being, if you will.
Furthermore, any collective of personas can also be seen as a single
individual (also with many personas).  Thus, the words I and we are
conceptually equivelant in Ouranian Barbaric.
2.3   Why are all verbs in the form “do (verb)”?

This has to do with the syntax of Ouranian (see sectin 2.1, above).  This
has to do with the fact that Ouranian has no verb “to be” based on the
anontic concept of no being, and thusly that “there is no being, all is
doing.”  There is a subtle change in consciousness that occurs with this
that any magician is advised to pay attention to.  Those interested in the
topic are also encouraged to research E-Prime, a version of English that
eliminates “to be” and its permutations from the vocabulary, accomplishing
the same thing in English that OB does in its grammar.

2.4   How do I turn Ouranian nouns into verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, and vice versa?

Short Answer: However the hell you want to.

Long Answer:  There are no rules.  Make the language yours.  Use the same
word, invent your own prefixes or suffixes, create completely new words,
surrender to spontanaeity, or do whatever else you can think of that feels
right to you.

2.5   What do the “T+” and “T-” with some of the words mean?

T+ or T- is an indication of whether a word is used in the positive or in
the negative.  Thus when we get the Ouranian word for “Almost Certianly” we
have “UTHEDUS (T+)” and “THOFAD (T-)”.  UTHEDUS means “Almost Certianly”
while THOFAD means “Almost Certainly Not.”

2.6   Why are Ouranian words always capitalized?

There is no reason.  This is just the standard convention.
2.7   How do you pronounce some of these words?

There is no set way to pronounce Ouranian Barbaric words.  It becomes
personal preference, and no two chaotes sound exactly the same when
saying the same words.  Just try your best to sound those stranger ones
out, and go with that.  Most chaotes seem to pronounce a leading “X” (as in
XIQUAL) as a “Z”, but this is by no means universal.
3.1   How does one create more Ouranian words?

By creativity.  The general idea is to channel them somehow.  A basic rite
for channeling Ouranian words via glossolalia is available on the web at

It basically goes as follows:  Decide what word you want to add to the
Ouranian language.  Take a bag of scrabble tiles, draw between four and
ten, and use these as a seed word.  Invoke glossolalia, and let the seed
word change and evolve until you arrive at what feels like the proper word.

The original method is through an invocation of Ouranos-Baphomet and then
using a created board to divine the letters of a word.  This ritual is
available at

Regardless of method used, the critical part of the process lies in adding
the vowels to the mishmash of consonants that one often receives, whether
this is by inspiration, glossolalia, or other method.  Peter Carroll states

    “Half the trick of barbaric lies with the vowels added at will later,
     for example the phrase “the morning is not the magicians friend”
     yielded VLBZ, which someone wittly pointed up as vulboozo, to rhyme
     with ouzo.”
3.2   Where can I get a Ouranian Barbaric Dictionary?

The master updated Ouranian Barbaric Dictionary with both English-to-
Ouranian and Ouranian-to-English formats is available on Chaos Matrix at:

A mirror of this dictionary is maintained by Milos Babic at:

An English-to-Ouranian only version is maintained by the AutonomatriX:

Tzimon’s older HTML dictionary is no longer updated with new words:
3.3   What should I do with new Ouranian words that I create?

Write them down.  As you create more words, you should add them to your own
personal dictionary.  Many people feel their words are personal, and choose
to keep them to themselves, oftentimes demanding something of great value
before they will divulge them.  However, some other people feel that their
words should be shared with others.  To this end, many people post their
words along with their method of creation to usenet newsgroups such as
alt.magick.chaos and to chaos magick e-lists, from where they spread to
other sources.  If you are interested in having any words you create added
to the Ouranian Barbaric Dictionaries on the net, you are invited to
contact Fenwick Rysen (fenwick @ chaosmatrix . com), or Joseph Max.555
(maxx @ address . com) with your words, their method of creation, and any
other information you feel is relevant.  From there they will be
disseminated and incorporated into all currently updated copies of the
3.4   What does it mean to use Ouranian like “The Alphabet of Desire”?

The Alphabet of Desire was a concept created by Austin Osman Spare that
basically says to create a symbol set for your own personal use in magick.
It’s creation, use, and application are incredibly personal, and
oftentimes hard to explain to others should such a task even be desirable.
Many people use Ouranian the same way, creating their own words, coming up
with their own rules for usage, and using it for their own specific tasks.
Those interested in Spare’s Alphabet of Desire and basic philosophy should
read Spare’s works, including “The Book of Pleasure” and “The Focus of
Life”.  These can be found online at

Stephen Mace’s book “Stealing the Fire From Heaven” is the best guide to
creating an Alphabet-of-Desire in Spare’s tradition that is available to
the modern chaos magician, at a very reasonable price.  Write to:
     Stephen Mace
     P.O. Box 256
     Milford, CT 06460
3.5   Are the words in Peter Carroll’s “Masses of Chaos” Ouranian?

No, these words are Enochian.  For those new to either language, one would
be well advised to maintain a dictionary of both languages, and be careful
not to mistake one for the other.  Or, in the true vein of the chaos
magickal tradition, you could purposely interchange them and see what you
get.  Some people have worked with Enochian spirits using Ouranian
Barbaric, resulting in some Ouranian words for Enochian concepts.

3.6   Are there other barbarous languages out there?

Enochian is another barbarous language, as well as an alphabet, used in the
magickal community, typically among ceremonial mages but oftentimes among
others.  Enochian is an “Angelic Language” that was channeled by Edward
Kelley and written down by John Dee during the Elizabethan era.  Enochian
is much more syntactically and grammatically complicated than Ouranian, an
each letter in an Enochian word represents a whole body of forces by
itself.  If barbarous languages are your thing, you’ll LOVE Enochian.

Enochian is perhaps the most popular magickal barbarous language.  Those
interested in Enochian can find an incredible amount about it written on
the internet, and are also referred to “The Enochian Dictionary” by Laycock
(published by Samuel Weiser) and to “The Enochian Magick of Dr. John Dee”
by Geoffrey James (published by Llewellyn.)  A good beginning point on
the internet is at

3.7   What Ouranian resources are there on the net?

This is a list of known resources on Ouranian Barbaric or related files. 
If you know of any more, please contact fenwick @ for
addition to the next release of this FAQ.

Currently, the number of sites dedicated to Ouranian Barbaric is
diminishing.  It’s down to Chaos Matrix with a few other scattered files
around the web:

Despite rumors over the last few years that other Ouranian Barbaric pages
are on their way, nothing has yet come to manifestation.  If this is no
longer correct, please send in the URL of any new pages for the next update
to the FAQ.

3.8   Is there a gematria for Ouranian Barbaric?

No, and it is unlikely that an “official” OB gematria will ever be
proposed, in keeping with the individualist spirit of Chaos Magick.
Inidviduals are encouraged to create their own method for personal use if
they find gematria to be a useful tool in their magickal work.

3.9   What is the relationship between Ouranian Barbaric and Psychic Censor?

The premise for the functioning of Ouranian Barbaric is that through using
words unfamiliar to your mind, you are better able to bypass the Psychic
Censor, and thus avoid Lust of Result and other psychological factors that
become involved when one performs magick.  This works well, but some have
discovered that it is of limited effectiveness, because if one works with
the language often he finds himself learning what all of the Ouranian
Barbaric words mean.  Tzimon Yliaster was the first to verbalize this:

     “There’s a fundamental flaw to using Ouranian Barbaric as a technique
     over a protracted period.  After a time, it fails to do what it was
     created to do — smuggle things past the psychic censor.  There’s
     really no point to having another “magickal language”, as it’s
     language itself that arouses discursive function.  A seemingly random
     outburst would work better.  Words are still words, whatever language
     they happen to be in, and Ouranian Barbaric, once you know the meaning
     of the words, really isn’t any different in that.  The advent of OB
     words like “Enochian angel”, “kali” and even “Baphomet” should have be
     seen as a warning of this problem with it.”

How one chooses to deal with this problem is of personal concern.  To avoid
this problem, it is recommended to refrain from memorizing the meaning of
Ouranian Barbaric words, similar in process to “forgetting” the meaning of
a sigil; this takes practice.

“Random Outburts” can also work well, and new experiments are being
conducted with Glossolalia as a magickal tool; Steve Wilson has covered the
topic best so far with his book “Chaos Ritual.”

One could create new words for themselves when they discover they have
memorized the traditional OB words; this could be a burdensome process
however, possibly causing more confusion than it solves.  Some would argue
that this is a good thing, though.

Keep the Psychic Censor in mind when performing your Ouranian Barbaric
work; you don’t want to make the language innefficient by memorizing as
much as possible of it.
3.10  Is there a Ouranian Barbaric alphabet with its own letters?

Ouranian Barbaric is most often written using the Latin alphabet for ease
of reading.  However, writing Ouranian Barbaric in its own alphabet can
serve further to distract the psychic censor from the concepts embodied
by the use of the language.  You could develop your own script, or use one
that has already been created.

“Ouranian Linear A” was first used by the people in the UK branch of the
IOT who were also responsible for originating Ouranian Barbaric.  It
consists of characters that all end with an arrow, which point you towards
the next character to be read.  This allows it the advantage of being
written in any direction: left, right, up, down, spirals, waves, etc.

Ouranian Linear A can be seen in the Barbarous Tongue Generation Rite,
mentioned earlier and available online at:




4.1   Dictionary Updates

This section contains any new words that have been added to the Ouranian
Barbaric dictionaries recently.  These should be added to any
older dictionaries on the net to keep all of them up to date.  If you have
words to add, see section 3.3 above.

New OB Word        English Translation                      Date added
—————–  ——————-                      —————
BANFOJMEZ’G        Mystery                                     01 June 1998
BASOF              Art                                         01 June 1998
EIPO               Or                                          01 June 1998
GEBGANDIYAD        Important                                   01 June 1998
LAHEQUA            Enochian Angel                              01 June 1998
THWEP’B’HOF        Book                                        01 June 1998
UZARFE             Aethyr                                      01 June 1998
VAGJOROBETH        Unknown                                     01 June 1998
WOTHLAGEN          Avatar                                      01 June 1998
XEPAGIR            Eschaton                                    01 June 1998

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Today I’m sad.  I learned that a lady that I work with, who is my age and has three kids from 4-10 years of age, had her young, healthy husband die on Friday evening.  Just another reminder of how much everything in our lives can change forever in the blink of an eye.  So, today….give your loved ones an extra hug and call someone and tell them how much your love them.  Life is so short and so precious.  Namaste…

Whoa…the United States Postal Service and Star Wars team up?

`Star Wars’ droid R2-D2 to collect mail


WASHINGTON – Thirty years ago, in theaters near and far, far away, a movie opened the imaginations of millions, combining the magic of mythology and special effects to launch the “Star Wars” phenomenon.

A star of those films — the brave little robot R2-D2 — is about to take a turn collecting mail as the Postal Service and Lucasfilm Ltd. commemorate that movie launch.

The post office is wrapping mail collection boxes in some 200 cities nationwide in a special covering to look like R2-D2.

It’s part of a promotion for a new stamp to be announced March 28, said Anita T. Bizzotto, the post office’s chief marketing officer.

“It’s a little teaser for the upcoming announcement and we decided to have a little fun with it,” she said.

About 400 mailboxes will be covered to look like the stout droid. “When you look at a mailbox, the resemblance to R2-D2 is too good to pass up,” Bizzotto said.

While postal officials would like people to look for these mailboxes and maybe even drop in a letter, Bizzotto urged people not to tamper with them, noting that’s a crime.s

WOL: Envy

March 14, 2007

Sixth deadly sin: Envy

According to the dictionary: s.f., from the Latin Invidia. Mixture of pain and anger; feeling of displeasure about the prosperity and happiness of someone else; desire to have what others have.

For the Catholic Church: Against the Tenth Commandment (You shall not covet thy neighbor’s house). It appears for the first time in Genesis, in the story of Cain and his brother Abel.

In a Jewish parable: A disciple asks the rabbis about the passage in Genesis: “The Lord was pleased about Abel and his offer, whereas he was not pleased about Cain and his offer. Cain was exceedingly angry and his face fell. Then the Lord said to him: Why are you angry and why did your face fall?”
The rabbis answered:
“God should have asked Cain: Why are you angry? Was it because I did not accept your offering, or because I accepted the offering of your brother?”

For journalist Zuenir Ventura: The verbs associated to it (envy) are corrosion and destruction. At the same time, it is necessary to see envy as a human reaction. All the theories about envy reckon that the best way to fight against it is to assume that everyone feels it, in different degrees.

For writer Giovanni Papini: The best revenge against those that want me to lower myself consists of attempting to fly to a higher peak. Perhaps I would not go up so much without the impulse of someone who wants me on the ground. The truly wise individual goes further: he makes use of his own defamation to retouch his portrait better and eliminate the shadows that the light throws on him. The envious person becomes, without wanting to, the collaborator of his perfection.

Envy and ethics: For the scientist and researcher Dr. William M. Shelton, envy is a reaction provoked by losers, who seek to evade reality by hiding behind a crusade seeking to reinstate “moral values”, “noble ideas”, and “social justice”. The situation becomes dangerous when the school system begins to develop in the student the conditioning for despising all those who manage to be successful, always attributing any success to corruption, manipulation and moral degradation. As the pursuit of success is something inherent to the human condition, the students end up in a schizophrenic process of hating exactly that which would lead them to happiness, thereby increasing the anxiety crises, and reducing the capacity to innovate and improve society.

Satan and the demons: The demons came to complain to the Prince of Darkness. For two years they had tempted a certain monk who lives in the desert. “We have offered him money, women, all we have in our repertoire, and nothing worked.”
– You don’t know how to do it properly – replied Satan. – Come and see how you should act in a case of this sort.
They all flew to the cavern where the holy monk lived. There, Satan whispered in his ear:
– Your friend Maccarius has just been promoted to Bishop of Alexandria. Immediately the man blasphemed against the heavens, and lost his soul.

Comment from the Tao Te King: The perfect wise men of Ancient times were mysterious, supernatural, penetrating, and too profound to be understood by men.

They were alert like the man who crosses the stormy river thawing after the winter. Prudent like he who is the guest of someone very ceremonious. Evanescent like ice when it melts. Unpretentious like uncut wood as yet unshaped by human hands.

Who can, through serenity, purify little by little, what is impure? Who can become calm and stay like that for ever? He who follows the Perfect Path does not want to be full of anything.

(next: Sloth, last deadly sin)


March 13, 2007

A while back I wrote about Bansky the street artist who uses these brilliant stencils to highlight many ironies of living in the Western World. Today I read a newspiece about one of his early pieces done in his hometown which the city commissioned. Civic-minded service volunteers thought the art was vandalism and covered up his work with black paint because they thought it was vandalism!

“Workmen are real aerosols”,,2-2007110792,00.html

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Secret Potion
this is a secret potion that makes you see the world differently & she’s found it safest to use only on the weekends
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